Sunday, November 22, 2015

Review: The Sun King Rises

The Sun King Rises

The Sun King Rises
Yves Jégo and Denis Lépée

As Cardinal Mazarin, the Chief Minister and Godfather to Louis XIV of France lies dying, someone sets fire to his palace and steals secrets and compromising documents. Various factions would like to find and use these documents for their personal benefit and to support their own political or religious causes. But as the King comes into his own with the death of his most trusted adviser, the Cardinal, he may decide to rule on his own, thereby thwarting the plans of his ministers.

This historical novel is full of political intrigue, action and terrific descriptions of historical figures, architecture and arts as well as royal customs. The rich details provided by the authors make the reader feel a part of the action, while the scenery and characters come to life in a way that allows one to appreciate the past. Anyone interested in French history will find this an entertaining and fulfilling read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Gallic books for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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